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Advertise With DRN1

Connect with
DRN1 Listeners

Are you looking to reach a local Western Austalia audince? Is your business looking for new and exciting ways to connect?

DRN1 has an advertising solution to help your business connect.

Onair Radio & Podcast on DRN1
Radio & Podcast Advertising

DRN1 produces over 33 radio and podcast programs each week, and have a listenership time of over 2 hours per user.

DRN1 radio and podcast advertising packages are hear to help grow your brand awareness and help bring people to your store.

Sponsored Articles on DRN1
Sponsored Articles

Our visitors love reading our articles, be it fashion, pop culture, news and current affairs or that latest music review.

DRN1 sponsored articles are a perfect way to reach our readers.

Advertise With DRN1
Sporting Broadcast Events

Your business will be heard by local sporting fans via our DRN1 Sport Broadcasts.

Your product will be advertised, promoted and get a special banner placement which will show that your business supports Western Australian sport.

On top of that you'll be giving back to Western Australia Sporting Clubs.

Advertise With DRN1
Supporting Local Communities

Inclusion is Western Australia's first disability radio channel for all parts of our community. Affecting 4.4 million Australians, Inclusion is here to support people who have a story to share about how being disabled has effected their life.

Your product will be advertised, promoted and get a special banner placement which will show that your business supports Western Australians disablity community.