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Business Shakers

Business Shakers

Business Shakers is here every Sunday to bring you the latest tips, tool and business insider information. So that you can get through the BS of running your business.

Episodes you may like:
Getting your visuals right

Setting out on a journey to follow your passion, starts with being seen. From knowing what is the best starting point of being seen as a professional in your field to illuminating your brand for all to see. We dive into the know-how from a print and design expert.

Joined by Waseem Afzal from Patriart Signage, Graphic Design and Printing.


Networking, is it a must or a scam? Learn from Perth’s own networking queen about how to network, and why you should network. We uncover some myths typically associated with what networking is and offer a new perspective on how to approach each meeting so that you walk away with qualified leads and sales.

For more information about our guest Kathryn Fritz please visit:

Stepping out of your comfort zone

Domestic violence is a topic shuddered by some and blanketed in a cloud of denial. Today we dive into the conversation that should be held with every man and women around the world. Joined by Sheree from I am Sheree, a brave women who survived the horrors of domestic violence and has stepped out to let other women have a voice.