Business Shakers
Business Shakers is here every Sunday to bring you the latest tips, tool and business insider information. So that you can get through the BS of running your business.
Episodes you may like:
Setting out on a journey to follow your passion, starts with being seen. From knowing what is the best starting point of being seen as a professional in your field to illuminating your brand for all to see. We dive into the know-how from a print and design expert.
Joined by Waseem Afzal from Patriart Signage, Graphic Design and Printing.
It's time to take your business to the next level. The ying and yang of of sales and marketing, join us as we dive into why you need to step up and beat fear to market your business.
Politics and business. Is it good or is it a mixed bag of BS? Speaking with Bass Tadros from the Health Australia Party and candidate for Western Australia's Agricultural region, we learn more about politics and business and how your decision to have a voice impacts our future.
What more information about Bas Tadros visit Health Australia Party