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Pop Your Cherri

Pop Your Cherri

Season 2 Episode: 3
Cherri back in The Studio

Cherry Zyianide is back in the studio with Hubby talking all thing hospital dramas. Plus what UD does Cherry have this time?

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Maxxed out editon

Traditional Guess Cherri's UD???

Being queer and coming out in high school

Represention in the media and diving into youth week with lots of lots of reality show goss *spoiler alert galore*

Welcoming Van to next week show

Discuss transgender issues and HIV.

Cherry Zyianide is joined by Priscilla to discuss transgender issues as well as a basic understanding of HIV. Cherry also provides some information on non-binary /gender neutral /gender fluid pronouns.

Cherri back in The Studio

Cherry Zyianide is back in the studio with Hubby talking all thing hospital dramas. Plus what UD does Cherry have this time?