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Nothing Without Us

Nothing Without Us

Season 1 Episode: 2
Identity and Pride: I’m Disabled and you’re welcome.

Anneke, Saskia, Izzie, and Georgia discuss their experiences navigating disability identity and pride. Their discussion highlights how disability pride is personal, political, and empowering. It is a journey, not a destination, filled with lessons that strengthen them each day. By sharing their stories, they aim to inspire others on their own journeys of self-acceptance and empowerment.

More Episodes:

Assumptions: Our existence is resistance.

Izzie, Anneke, Saskia, and Georgia talk about how to notice when people make wrong assumptions about you and how to argue against those assumptions. The main ideas are challenging ableism, how assumptions can make you feel, how to avoid those assumptions, and the self-care that comes with speaking up for yourself.

Identity and Pride: I’m Disabled and you’re welcome.

Anneke, Saskia, Izzie, and Georgia discuss their experiences navigating disability identity and pride. Their discussion highlights how disability pride is personal, political, and empowering. It is a journey, not a destination, filled with lessons that strengthen them each day. By sharing their stories, they aim to inspire others on their own journeys of self-acceptance and empowerment.

Diagnosis: This is only the beginning...

Georgia, Ez, Anneke, and Saskia discuss how people get different diagnoses and what that experience is like. They talk about getting the wrong diagnosis, diagnosing yourself, having more than one condition, getting diagnosed earlier or later in life, and choosing whether or not to tell others about a diagnosis.