Inside Relationships
An informative journey into the secrets of personal relationships guided by Accredited Mental Health Social Worker David of Milan Coaching and his partner of 25 years Debra. Each week David and Debra are joined by a special guest from a many different backgrounds ranging from Doctors to Hypnotherapists, to discuss and offer insight into a great variety of interesting relationship topics such as boundaries, commitment, honesty, fidelity, mental health, family, communication, values, narcissism, trauma, longevity, safety, beginning relationships & even how & when to finish a relationship.
Episodes you may like:
This episode emphasises the importance of the relationship you have with yourself first.
Special guest Jennifer Burke talks with David and Russel about her near death experience and what she learnt from it.
Jennifer explains how she changed her life by following four simple guidelines or as Jennifer calls them, ‘the four agreements’. A discussion ensues, breaking down the ‘four agreements’, what each one means in a practical sense and in relation to others.
Mum Lucy opens-up for an in-depth discussion about what she has learnt parenting a child with autism and the relationship challenges.
Lucy describes initially being in serious denial about Autism and what can happen when a partner is not on the same page. How to deal with your own mental health when under stress in the relationship.
What are some of the benifits of being on the Autism spectrum?
What are some of the behaviours that can break intimate relationships?
How to find your happiness and identity within the relationship?
What particular challenges can arise during relationship separation?
What is dating like after a breakup and is it anxiety-provoking chosing a partner?
David and hypnotherapist Helen Hart discuss how knowledge of our nervous system can help with our relationship. We are not broken, our emotional regulation system does exactly what it is meant to do! Firstly, exactly how do our childhood experiences inform our adult experiences? Understanding who we are drawn to as partners and calming our nervous system to calm the relationship. The topic of substance use was brought up as a way that some people try to manage their relationship.