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Inside Relationships

Inside Relationships

Season 1 Episode: 10
Attachment styles; Do they make or break your relationship?

David talks with Clinical Hypnotherapist Jamina Tubbing about the main attachment styles and how do we recognise them? How do our childhood attachment experiences set us up for adult relationships?

How does our attachment style affect how we engage with friends and significant others?

David and Jamina discuss the specialty area of what to do about attachment difficulties within a relationship. They explore how to change your emotional and cognitive state when you have an attachment style that is not working well for you. Also, David and Jamina talk about teamwork when attempting to change a relationship for the better and the importance of taking into consideration as many factors as we can.

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Intergenerational trauma and healing family and domestic violence through somatic types of therapy

An incredibly raw and in-depth interview with intergenerational family and domestic violence survivor and researcher Jennipher McDonald. A discussion ensues around where the line could be drawn regarding what could be considered domestic violence. Jennipher focuses on exploring self and the possibility to use somatic work such as ‘Theatre for living’ for healing trauma. The team discusses how dance, theatre and other physical activities can help support a new life by focusing on the present moment.

Trust, Trust and more (or less) Trust?

David and Debra talk with special guest Andre about the extremes of trust required in a BDSM lifestyle.

The team break-down the concept of trust and discuss what comprises trust; including the importance of checking for ongoing consent. 

Is there such a thing as complete trust?

What happens when trust is broken and where is the line for this?

How important are limits and boundaries when it comes to trust?

How important is communication for trust?

Can emotion be an obstacle for trust?

Andre gives examples based on his experience of Polyamorous relationships and Andre shares his trust checklist.

With special guest Katey Butler, life coach

This episode is all about relationships that people get into but want to exit really quickly.

Katey has approximately 17 years working with relationships and social groups, often where there is a lot of awkwardness, stress and anxiety.

David asks how do you know when someone is not right for you?Katey discusses the body reactions when meeting a person and how this can indicate that the person is not right for you.

Katey also gives suggestions around how to break-off an interaction when you suspect that the person is not right for you, particularly in what she labels narcissistic behaviour.

Katey talks about setting boundaries within relationships and how to compromise yet speak your truth.

David emphasises that how people say things to you is important in relationships and taking the time to explore each others personalities helps you get to know a person much better.