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Inside Relationships

Inside Relationships

Season 1 Episode: 12
Intergenerational trauma and healing family and domestic violence through somatic types of therapy

An incredibly raw and in-depth interview with intergenerational family and domestic violence survivor and researcher Jennipher McDonald. A discussion ensues around where the line could be drawn regarding what could be considered domestic violence. Jennipher focuses on exploring self and the possibility to use somatic work such as ‘Theatre for living’ for healing trauma. The team discusses how dance, theatre and other physical activities can help support a new life by focusing on the present moment.

More Episodes:

All about relationship commitment

Being in the industry of wedding photography (and married!), the team thought what better person to discuss commitment with than Jasmin of Whately photography!

The episode discusses ‘what does commitment really mean?’, as well as the different stages of commitment and the reasons why we commit. How seriously do people take commitment?

Also, how do we begin a conversation with our partner around commitment, especially if they are adverse to commitment?

Do we have to put in less or more as the years go by?

What are the levels some people will go to for commitment?

All these questions, answers and more.

Onscreen relationships vs Reality

David and Debra have a chat with filmmaker Jeremy Mullaly of Ithaka Media about his take on on-screen relationships, including some impacts of reality TV on relationships. For the stars, questions are raised regarding whether reality TV causes trauma and how far is too far for ratings? Using the example of MAFS, the team ponders what is reality TV teaching young people about their relationships and are we normalising bad behaviour with ‘reality TV’. For parents, David talks about how to start to have a safe conversation with your family regarding what relationship behaviour that is being seen on TV.

A mum’s relationship journey with a child with Autism

Mum Lucy opens-up for an in-depth discussion about what she has learnt parenting a child with autism and the relationship challenges. 

Lucy describes initially being in serious denial about Autism and what can happen when a partner is not on the same page. How to deal with your own mental health when under stress in the relationship.

What are some of the benifits of being on the Autism spectrum?

What are some of the behaviours that can break intimate relationships?

How to find your happiness and identity within the relationship?

What particular challenges can arise during relationship separation?

What is dating like after a breakup and is it anxiety-provoking chosing a partner?