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Sound Bites

Sound Bites

Season 2 Episode: 14
Famous Seers and Prophets in History - Part 2

Peter and Russell are back to finish off their conjurations and the mysteries of some of histories famous Seers and Prophets. What will our crystal ball reveal? Is the future in the palm of your hand? Can you be healed by supernatural intervention? This week we take a look at Daniel Dunglas Home, Edgar Casey and Baba Vanga. We even take a brief look at one of the greatest investigators and sceptics who has revealed the "man behind the curtain". James Randi has exposed many frauds who have claimed powers beyond mere mortals.

More Episodes:

Working 9 to 5

How has work changed for us over the millennia? Peter and Russell look at where we've come and what's in store for us as workers with the rise of automation.

Friday the 13th

It's Friday the 13th, join us to find out about the superstitions that scare us, the reasons why we avoid walking under ladders and what you can do to be a Friday the 13th Survivor!

Friday the 13th

Welcome to Season 3 and our first episode is all about unfortunate events that happened on Friday the 13th.

This week Peter and Russell go through history and talk about the boy who was hit by lightening, the end of the Aztec empire and the Black Friday Bushfires in Australia and many other strange and unfortunate events. We even have a prediction for Friday the 13th 2029!

Help us to kick off Season 3 by tuning in and sharing your own Friday the 13th mishap with us.